Friday, February 20, 2015

To The Democratic Party

To the Democratic Party:

I hear so much talk from Politicians on either side saying how much they dislike money in politics, but it's the only way to win. At least when democrats say it, I believe it. They have no desire to roll over and die because the other side raised more money. We can all agree campaigning and the time spent raising money is ineffective and dirty.

So, why not, collectively, as a party refuse to accept that you are salesman begging for a buck? Refuse to accept money for SuperPAC's or large sums from individual donors. Run a campaign to win back the American people's trust in its elected officials. Tell them all they can keep their money; that it has no place in politics, and that you are not lackeys for Wall Street business men, but Politicians elected to represent the most democratic sovereign country in the world. Run a campaign to regain dignity in your profession by collectively agreeing that you will not accept an immoral practice, simply because it has been deemed legal. Deemed legal by immoral means. Refuse as a party, collectively, to stop playing games and get to work. I think the people would support you. No more 50/50 national polling. No more discussion of partisan hackery. You can't be put on display if you're not playing the game.   

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